Subject Re: [firebird-support] Linux server optimization for FB 1.5 SS? Best practice guide?
Author Alexey Kovyazin
Hello Myles,

Switch to 1.5.6 Classic, set in firebird.conf
DefaultDbCachePages = 512 and you'll see the difference which should be

Regarding migration - look at Profitmed migration case study

Alexey Kovyazin

> I have a new FB 1.5.6 Linux Super Server installation going online.
> This will eventually be upgraded to 2.1 or 2.5 but we have legacy code
> that keeps us in 1.5.6 for now.
> I have installed a 'default' build of FB 1.5.6 on CentOS 64 bit server,
> and its running as a virtual machine on OpenVZ/Proxmox. The
> configuration of the server is like this:
> Dell PowerEdge 2950, Dual Xeon 2.6Ghz CPUs (2 core per CPU I believe)
> RAID 5, with 3 x 1TB drives, 1 x 1TB Parity, and 1 Hot spare
> 16GB of RAM total for server, with 6GB allocated to CentOS for FB Server
> 1GB NICs
> The database feeds a web application running on a separate box.
> I have not applied any changes to the default firebird.conf setting.
> The server, under light load (about 8 users), is reporting a higher than
> normal CPU load, but almost no RAM load.
> The most intensive queries involve a lot of row retrieval, sorting and
> display, and I do not believe I have optimized this for sorting at all.
> Nor have I optimized for CPU affinity (which I'm not even sure I can
> do with SS 1.5.6 on Linux). I have also not optimized Cache size, and
> the DB is reporting page size at 16384.
> So can anyone give me a suggestion as to where to start to get more
> performance out of this beast? I know that FB upgrade would help a lot,
> but I can't address that in the next few months at least so I have to
> work with what I have got right now. I'm seeing that simple queries
> appear to be pretty fast, but the more complex ones that are already
> highly optimized are loading the server.
> Any thoughts?
> Myles
> --
> -----------------------------
> Myles Wakeham
> Director of Engineering
> Tech Solutions USA LLC
> Phone +1-480-451-7440

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