Subject Re: [firebird-support] Timezone support?
Author Thomas Steinmaurer
> What type of timezone support does FB have?
> For instance, is there a function to convert between two time zones?

I'm afraid there is no timezone support in Firebird's date/time
datatypes. CURRENT_TIMESTAMP etc. gives you the local time of the
machine where the Firebird server is running.

I had been in a situation where timezone support could have helped,
namely when comparing captured mesurement values of sensors, which in
practice can be spread around different time zones, in respect to: "for
a given time point and not clock time".

What we did is that each received mesurement value had a UTC timestamp
(basically the UTC timestamp from the devices out in the field) with the
timezone (and winter/summer time) offset in a separate field. This way,
we have been able to compare values in a DWH for a particular UTC
timestamp and/or, if we like, for a given clock time, by taking the
offset into account.

With regards,

Thomas Steinmaurer
Upscene Productions

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