Subject Re: [firebird-support] RE:Re: case insensitive question
Author Kjell Rilbe
Den 2011-05-30 22:11 skrev heineferreira såhär:
> Thanks for the interesting answer.

You're welcome. Please dont top-post, i.e. write your reply beneath what
you're replying to.

> I was thinking about the storage of char and varchar fields.
> I think SQL Server uses charset win1252 by defualt.
> Can I also use that in Firebird?

Yes. It's called WIN1252.

> What's the difference between utf8 and win1252?

UTF8 is a standard Unicode encoding. Look it up in Wikipedia.

WIN1252 is a Microsoft proprietary encoding. It's 8 bit, meaning it does
not support Unicode, but more like regular estern European languages.

> The article I read said I must use coolation Unicode on every char or
> varchar field.

Sorry, I don't know much about collations in Firebird.

Kjell Rilbe
E-post: kjell@...
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