Subject Re: [firebird-support] Identifying records in a table with the largest blobs
Author Thomas Steinmaurer
> I've managed to identify which table is the largest in a database (by using gstat, and looking at the result summary in IBExpert) but now I need to know if there are one or two records causing more problems than others.
> ie. I have a stock table containing images in 3000 records, and I need to be able to see if just a few of those records are much bigger than the others, so that those can be amended.
> Any ideas how I can do that?

Try to use the internal OCTET_LENGTH function (introduced in 2.1),
although I'm not sure if it works for BLOBs of subtype 0.

There is also something in the FreeAdHocUDf library available.

With regards,

Thomas Steinmaurer
Upscene Productions

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