Subject Re: AW: [firebird-support] uppercase field name
Author Kjell Rilbe
Den 2011-05-10 09:38 skrev Thomas Steinmaurer såhär:
> In a dialect 3 database, tools tend to put database object names in
> double quotes, which makes them case-sensitive and a real pain, because
> you have to quote them over and over again when accessing.

...but also makes the names a lot easier to read as well as allows
non-ascii characters like Swedish åäö.

I've gotten used to it since a long time ago and actually find it
difficult to read SQL sith unquoted identifiers. I usually quote even
when they are simple uppercase ASCII, just because the quotes make it
easier to see where there are identifiers as opposed to keyowrds etc.

Kjell Rilbe
E-post: kjell@...
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