Subject Re: Maximum number of rows in Firebird 2.1 and up (is it 1099511627776 records ?)
Author lmatusz
I really appreciate you have told us how to compute the numbers of records per table.

Here is final equation (for database page size 16384):

max_num_of_rows = 18691651193280 / (17 + compressed_record_size)

compressed record size number of records (16384B database page size)
10 692,283,377,528
100 159,757,702,506
1024 17,955,476,650
2048 9,051,647,066
4096 4,544,529,830
8192 2,276,970,543

Where 8192 is really big record size.

These numbers are similar to one posted by Ann Harrison.

It is nice to know the max number of records in db :)