Subject Re: [firebird-support] Directory Aliases
Author Gordon Niessen
On 4/8/2011 11:58 AM, Woody wrote:
> I posted this to the development group a few weeks ago but since I'm
> not a member, I received a message saying a moderator had to approve
> the post. It hasn't been posted there yet so I'm posting it here.
> Just curious if there has been any discussion about expanding aliases
> to allow defining just a path to a directory where multiple databases
> may reside?
> The reason I'm asking is that in some situations, my apps are designed
> to allow the users to archive fiscal data. In general, they have a
> main database for active information and an archive database for
> current archive data. Each fiscal year, the information in the current
> archive database is copied to a new fiscal archive database and then
> cleared for the new fiscal year. That means that there could be years
> of data in individual databases but they all reside in the same directory.
> Currently, to use aliases, I would have to add an alias each time a
> new DB is created. If there were a way to specify an alias for a
> particular directory, I could use that to build a complete database
> name something like:
> servername:directoryaliasname:databasename
> That would allow more dynamic building of connection strings. At the
> moment, I usually store the database path in each users settings file
> and just tack on the database name as I need it. However, if the
> location changes, each users settings would have to be changed. It
> would be nice if I could declare an alias in the alias.conf file to
> use as a base directory.
> Any thoughts?
> Woody (TMW)

I like the idea. It would then be hopefully possible to do a Create
Database and specify the server:path to create it without concern over
where that directory was. And still not have all created databases end
up in a default path.



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