Subject Re: [firebird-support] Movie Label 2011 & Firebird
Author Thomas Steinmaurer
> Hello, I hope not to be a bother, but I am having some difficulty with the use of Firebird, and I would like to know if anyone would be intrested in conversing with me about the issue via email.
> My email is carlpoppsr@...
> Here is the situation.
> I am using a Windows based pc. I am running Windows XP (SP3). I downloaded a movie database program called Movie Label 2011. The program claims that you can access the programs database from other computers in the home, or even over the internet. When i went to website ( the support section mentions I have to download Firebird, and provides the link.
> I downloaded the 32 bit windows 6.3mb file, which stats its good for first time users. I ran the file, but I did not see anything like a Window based ending, with options, icons, or a window. I did find in my programs listing the Firebird folder, and files, but Their does't seem to be a program to run.
> What I need to do is be able to connect multiple computers around the home, and the internet for that matter to the Movie Label 2011 Database stored on this computer.
> Would anyone be intrested in guiding me in the right direction?

I'm using their BookLabel product. Basically you need the Professional
edition for being able to enter a remote connection path.

Basically, this guide here should get you up and running:

With regards,

Thomas Steinmaurer
Upscene Productions

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