Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: GEN_UUID performance
Author Thomas Steinmaurer
Hi Sean,

>>> Wow, that's a hugh difference. I suspected there would be some
>>> penalty, but never thought it would be that great. Nice going on the
>> benchmark.
>> The basic outcome with additional tests was, that using a numeric pk value
>> pretty much behaves as a GUID, if the numeric pk value isn't feed by a
>> generator/sequence providing an increasing number, but with a somehow
>> random value. It's possibly related to keeping the index tree in-sync with
>> newly inserted records.
> What was the size of the page cache?

The default one. I simply created a new database without any tuning

> Does performance change if you increase the page cache?

Yes, it does. Thanks. ;-)

With regards,

Thomas Steinmaurer
Upscene Productions

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