Subject Re: [firebird-support] GEN_UUID performance
Author Thomas Steinmaurer
> Using the IBExpert Log Manager, I created 23 triggers that record changes to selected tables and fields. The tables that store those log entries use an auto-increment integer as primary key. A few of the tables that are being logged are very active. I worry that, over time, the integer field might reach its limit. I am considering replacing the integer PK with a GUID/UUID. Can anyone tell me if there is much of a performance hit when using GEN_UUID? Also, any tips/precautions would be appreciated.

What datatype exactly? Integer, Numeric(18,0) or BigInt?

Numeric(18,0) and BigInt is a 64-bit Integer. I doubt you reach the
limit. With Integer (a 32-bit Integer) this is another story. I would
rather go with a 64-bit Integer instead of a GUID in that scenario.

With regards,

Thomas Steinmaurer
Upscene Productions

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