Subject RE: [firebird-support] Query runs extremely slow when run inside a stored procedure
Author Paul Lopez
I've tried the following (individual changes):

* Removed the for, and just selected into local variables

* Used just the derived table SQL (still slow), and removed the outer select, so now it's just a plain select with no fancy work, just a max on a string concatenation.

* Restarting firebird (v 2.1.2 btw)

* Restarting PC

* Dropping and re-creating

All still take much longer in the stored procedure.

From: [] On Behalf Of Martijn Tonies
Sent: Friday, 11 March 2011 4:34 PM
Subject: Re: [firebird-support] Query runs extremely slow when run inside a stored procedure

Hello Paul,

> For the particular parameter I use, it returns only 1 record.
> Running the select using IB_SQL cursor on it's own returns the row
> instantaneously (making sure I fetch all rows).
> Running it via the stored procedure takes up to a minute.

What if you make it a SELECT instead of a FOR SELECT
and remove the SUSPEND?

With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Upscene Productions

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> Paul.
> From:<>
> [<>] On Behalf Of Martijn Tonies
> Sent: Friday, 11 March 2011 4:25 PM
> To:<>
> Subject: Re: [firebird-support] Query runs extremely slow when run inside
> a stored procedure
> Hello Paul,
> And what makes you think it runs slower?
> How are you using this Stored Procedure? You do know that if you use
> SUSPEND in a procedure, you have to SELECT from it?
> How many rows are returned?
>>> I have a query which contains a single parameter.
>>> Eg.
>>> Select x,y,z
>>> From table
>>> Where a = :param_name
>>> When I run that query on its own supplying a known value for the
>>> parameter, it runs in under a second.
>>> When I copy that same thing into a stored procedure, it runs extremely
>>> slow even when providing the same known parameter.
>>> Eg.
>>> create procedure myproc (
>>> my_param varchar(20)
>>> ) returns (
>>> var_a integer
>>> , var_b integer
>>> , var_c integer
>>> As
>>> Begin
>>> for
>>> Select x,y,z
>>> From table
>>> Where a = :param_name
>>> Into :var_a
>>> , :var_b
>>> , :var_c
>>> Do
>>> Suspend;
>>> end
>>> Anyone had any similar behaviour?
>>> Other considerations:
>>> * There are several joins (about 5)
>>> * All joins are indexed, except one
>>> * Contains a derived table
>>> * Uses a UDF on the non-indexed join.
>>> While I did suspect the UDF, it still doesn't explain why the query runs
>>> fast on its own.
>> OK, so the above example is not the real thing.
>> Want to explain better? Show us the real thing?
>> With regards,
>> Here is the Query:
>> select pe.pat_id
>> , map.element_name
>> , max(cu_formatdatetime(pe.start_date,
>> 'YYYYMMDDHHNNSS')||'.'||sp.service_provider_no||'~'||map.mbs_item_no)
>> max_enc_string
>> from cat_tmp_patient_export x
>> join pat_encounter pe on pe.pat_id = x.pat_id
>> join mc_encounter_item mei on mei.enc_no = pe.enc_no
>> join mbs_item i on i.mbs_item_no = mei.mbs_item_no
>> join cat_mbs_item_map map on map.mbs_item_no = i.item_number
>> join current_encounter_place cep on cep.enc_place_no is not distinct
>> from pe.enc_place_no
>> join service_provider sp on sp.enc_no = pe.enc_no and
>> sp.service_provider_no = mei.service_provider_no
>> where mei.hic_claim_status >= 4
>> and mei.hic_claim_status < 64
>> and map.element_name = :v_element_name
>> group by pe.pat_id, map.element_name
>> ) mbs
>> join service_provider sp on sp.service_provider_no =
>> 1 --cu_striplastword(cu_stripfirstword(mbs.max_enc_string, '.'), '~')
>> join pat_encounter pe on pe.enc_no = sp.enc_no
>> left join cat_tmp_provider_links pr on pr.provider_no = sp.provider_no
>> and pr.enc_place_no = pe.enc_place_no
>> order by pat_id
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