Subject Re: [firebird-support] Query runs extremely slow when run inside a stored procedure
Author Martijn Tonies
Hello Paul,

And what makes you think it runs slower?

How are you using this Stored Procedure? You do know that if you use
SUSPEND in a procedure, you have to SELECT from it?

How many rows are returned?

>> I have a query which contains a single parameter.
>> Eg.
>> Select x,y,z
>> From table
>> Where a = :param_name
>> When I run that query on its own supplying a known value for the
>> parameter, it runs in under a second.
>> When I copy that same thing into a stored procedure, it runs extremely
>> slow even when providing the same known parameter.
>> Eg.
>> create procedure myproc (
>> my_param varchar(20)
>> ) returns (
>> var_a integer
>> , var_b integer
>> , var_c integer
>> As
>> Begin
>> for
>> Select x,y,z
>> From table
>> Where a = :param_name
>> Into :var_a
>> , :var_b
>> , :var_c
>> Do
>> Suspend;
>> end
>> Anyone had any similar behaviour?
>> Other considerations:
>> * There are several joins (about 5)
>> * All joins are indexed, except one
>> * Contains a derived table
>> * Uses a UDF on the non-indexed join.
>> While I did suspect the UDF, it still doesn't explain why the query runs
>> fast on its own.
> OK, so the above example is not the real thing.
> Want to explain better? Show us the real thing?
> With regards,
> Here is the Query:
> select pe.pat_id
> , map.element_name
> , max(cu_formatdatetime(pe.start_date,
> 'YYYYMMDDHHNNSS')||'.'||sp.service_provider_no||'~'||map.mbs_item_no)
> max_enc_string
> from cat_tmp_patient_export x
> join pat_encounter pe on pe.pat_id = x.pat_id
> join mc_encounter_item mei on mei.enc_no = pe.enc_no
> join mbs_item i on i.mbs_item_no = mei.mbs_item_no
> join cat_mbs_item_map map on map.mbs_item_no = i.item_number
> join current_encounter_place cep on cep.enc_place_no is not distinct
> from pe.enc_place_no
> join service_provider sp on sp.enc_no = pe.enc_no and
> sp.service_provider_no = mei.service_provider_no
> where mei.hic_claim_status >= 4
> and mei.hic_claim_status < 64
> and map.element_name = :v_element_name
> group by pe.pat_id, map.element_name
> ) mbs
> join service_provider sp on sp.service_provider_no =
> 1 --cu_striplastword(cu_stripfirstword(mbs.max_enc_string, '.'), '~')
> join pat_encounter pe on pe.enc_no = sp.enc_no
> left join cat_tmp_provider_links pr on pr.provider_no = sp.provider_no
> and pr.enc_place_no = pe.enc_place_no
> order by pat_id
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> ------------------------------------
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