Subject Re: [firebird-support] question about copyright law
On Wed, 14 Dec 2011 19:32:39 +0100, olaf.kluge@... wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> one of our customer has no confidence in the Copyright Law of the
> firebird-database. Is there a certificate for confirmation? We need to
> confirm all copyright claims to take over!
> Thank your for your help!

What exactly does your customer question? The law (which has nothing to do
with Firebird, but with your country), the license or copyright of
Firebird, or the license or copyright of the database?

You don't register for copyright, copyright is something that is linked
with the creation of a work itself, so there is no 'certificate of
confirmation' (whatever that is, and whatever legal value such a document
would have). The open-source license of Firebird is available for
inspection and review, as is the original open-source licnese for the
release of Interbase. The history of source changes and their committers
can be viewed on sourceforge (through CVS and Subversion). If you really
need advise on copyright, I'd advise you took talk to a IP lawyer with
experience with open source..

Also I don't understand what you mean with 'We need to confirm all
copyright claims to take over!'.


Hello Mark and Thomas,

our customer thinks, that he must pay for firebird in future, even retroactively.

In German:

Sie sind ja bestimmt auch über das deutsche Urheberrechtsgesetz in Kenntnis.

Ein Internet Ausdruck hat rechtlich absolut keinen Wert, wenn es dem Eigentürmer einfällt Geld zu verdienen so kann er das jederzeit tun. Auch rückwirkend.

Nur durch eine Form der Urkunde werden Rechte überlassen.

I don't know how can I formulate this words in english.

Thanks again
