Subject Re: how to change firebird 2.1.3 installation path
Author tomjanczkadao
> so your problem is with udf, not the install path
> did you try with Firebird Debian package ?
> what is exactly your problem with udf ?

Default Debian's repository contains Firebird2.0 package only.

The original problem is that rfunc udf library is not visible to Firebird:
function Xxxx is not defined.
module name or entrypoint could not be found.

I'm using rfunc for years, mostly on Windows machines.
I know that rfunc needs firebird client library.
For windows machines I've got compiled rfunc.dll downloaded from and it works OK in 100% so far. All I have to do after installing firebird is:
1. copy rfunc.dll to firebird/UDF folder,
2. in firebird/bin folder duplicate fbclient.dll and rename the copy to gds32.dll (this is because rfunc.dll is compiled to use gds32.dll)

On Linux machines it depends on distribution.
I can't compile successfully rfunc from sources and I'm using compiled one found somewhere in web.
This rfunc works OK with:
1. Ubuntu 10.10 server and FB2.1.3 SS from default apt repository;
2. CentOS 5 (i think it is ver.5) and FB2.1.3 CS from Your repository: baseurl= (thanks :))

I found that in both working cases above firebird is installed in /usr/lib/firebird. So I'm trying to install FB in the same path on Debian.

Regards, Tomek