Subject Re: Why does not apply insertion result.
Author Myeongho
Thanks. I understood.

--- In, Thomas Steinmaurer <ts@...> wrote:
> Hello,
> > I work two isql instance with one database. ((A isql instance) and (B isql intance) is connected with test.fdb.)
> >
> > A isql : Create table. (table name is "member")
> >
> > B isql : Can see the table.(SHOW SCHEMA "member") (I know that DDL is committed automatically.)
> Not automatically in Firebird. Only if SET AUTODDL is set to ON.
> Otherwise you have to commit DDL changes as well.
> > A isql : Insert one record into the "member" table.
> >
> > B isql : Cannot find any data on "member" table.( I cannot find data because It does not commit on A isql. I think... )
> > A isql : Run commit command.
> >
> > B isql : Cannot find any data on "member" table. (WHY??)
> Because in isql a transaction is started in SNAPSHOT (repeatable read)
> isolation mode per default. So if you run a COMMIT in session B and
> re-run your query, then a new transaction is started behind the scene
> and you will see the newly inserted record.
> > B isql : Terminate and rerun instance. and connect to test.fdb. I can find date on "member" table.
> >
> > A isql : Insert another record into the "member" table. And run the commit command.
> >
> > B isql : Cannot find second data on "member" table. (WHY??)
> > B isql : Run the commit command.
> > B isql : Can find whole data on "member" table.
> So, basically, get used to transactions and the available isolation
> levels in Firebird.
> --
> With regards,
> Thomas Steinmaurer
> Upscene Productions
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