Subject Re: Firebird fast on one machine (2 seconds) - slow on another (> 2 hours)
Author drjimwalsh1

Thank you for your input.

I don't know if this is installed as SuperServer or Classic. I believe that I installed it as Classic. Is there some way for me to determine that now?


--- In, "Djordje Radovanovic" <softsistem@...> wrote:
> Maybe this is too simple but you said that you are new to Firebird.
> You did not write about breed of Firebird you are using. SuperServer, Classic?
> Did you check firebird.conf and DefaultDbCachePages parameter? And one old but still useful article
> Regards
> Djole
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: drjimwalsh1
> To:
> Sent: Friday, January 21, 2011 8:40 PM
> Subject: [firebird-support] Firebird fast on one machine (2 seconds) - slow on another (> 2 hours)
> I'm new to Firebird, so please forgive me if my questions seem naive.
> I am developing an application that will access an existing Firebird database which is around 1 GB in size.
> I have developed a small app for the purposes of testing my strategies, and I am getting remarkably different results on two different computers.
> The app is written VFP9, and accesses the FB database using Firebird ODBC driver. For purposes of testing, I have copied the Firebird database to each of these two test machines, to remove issues related to network speed.
> The app creates 3 views, each into a different table in the database, and uses these views to populate 3 grids in the app.
> On machine A, the time from when I launch the app until the time that the results appear in the 3 grids is around 2 seconds, almost instantaneous.
> On machine B, the time to complete that same task takes over 2 hours.
> Here are the specs for machine A (time 2 seconds):
> Processor: Intel Core2 QUAD CPU Q9400 2.66GHz
> 4 GM RAM
> 64-bit Windows 7
> Running 32-bit Firebird and VFP
> Firebird server: version 2.1 (fbserver.exe version
> Firebird ODBC driver: version
> Here are the specs for machine B (time > 2 hours)
> Processor: Intel Pentium 4 CPU 3.4 GHz
> 4 GB RAM
> 32-bit version Windows 7
> Firebird server: version 2.5 (fb_inet_server.exe ver
> Firebird ODBC driver: version
> In both cases, the running software is 32-bit.
> Clearly machine A is the faster machine. But is it 3600 times faster?
> The other difference is in the version of the Firebird server: the faster machine is running version 2.1, while the slower machine is running version 2.5.
> What do you think explains the difference in times?
> Thanks,
> Jim
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]