Subject Firebird 2.5
Author munster77054
I'm glad that I use Norton Ghost. Yesterday I upgraded to 2.5, and in a short time, I'm reverting to The reason is that take the following sequence of events that I've done time and time again:

1. Programmed part of my application.
2. Debugged the program.
3. Saved the program.
4. Closed the program (at sometimes even the development env).
5. Opened DB in a Firefox GUI.
6. Make changes, did manual queries, etc.
7. Disconnected from GUI
8. Opened DEV ENV (C++), with no problem

Since yesterday, when I do the above, I get an error saying that the DB can't be opened because it is in use. This is the FIRST TIME this has EVER happened with FB, and it was only after upgrading to 2.5. I see alot of comments in this board about problems with 2.5.

The only way to stop it is to STOP the server completely (in the control panel), or reboot.

Now with norton ghost, it will take me about 15 minutes to restore my system to what it was yesterday, when restore the data files (I just backed up the ones changed since yesterday, plus a SQL dump of the databases that was accessed by FB2.5 since yesterday (3 of them)).