Subject Re: [firebird-support] Embedded FB
Author Ann W. Harrison
On 1/13/2011 12:42 PM, munster77054 wrote:
> Hi all:
> Hope someone can give me some guidance. I'm working on a program for my wife, which eventually I will be releasing as freeware. Now, I can get the database compacted using gbak.exe just fine from "within" my program, using the full FB install. However, when I try the same thing with the embedded FB, I can't get it to work, even with all the necessary files within the application folder.
> Any ideas why the embedded FB won't let me compact?

Wild guess since you haven't given us the specific error messages
or platform information and the solutions are different on different

Gbak.exe is looking for fbclient.dll and you have fbembedded.dll
(or .so, or whatever). Same interface, same effect, but different
names. Make a symbolic link (*nix) in that directory equating
fbclient to fbembedded, or make a copy of that file and name it
fbclient. And if you really want to compact the file, use compression
after the backup.

Good luck,
