Subject Re: Converting a database from Firebird 1.5 to 2.1
Author kant_steven
I think that the date problem is a possibility, yet I see no good way to find out where the problem is.

The restore operation fails at different tables each time I run it, and none of these tables have date fields at all.

The database contains about 350 tables, some with many fields, and some with millions of records. It would take days to go through every date field.

Furthermore, gbak gives output like "can't format message ..", so I can't tell what it is doing; does anyone know about this? I need to find a way to pinpoint the real problem.

--- In, "Dunbar, Norman (Capgemini)" <norman.dunbar.capgemini@...> wrote:
> Morning,
> >> What is the best way to convert a database from 1.5 to 2.1?
> Backup using gbak 1.5 and recover using gbak 2.1.
> >> I am taking a backup of the 1.5 database and restoring it in
> >> FlameRobin in 2.1. I get errors:
> >>
> >> -833 Expression evaluation not supported
> Not sure about why this happens.
> >> 335544810 Value exceeds the range for valid dates
> It seems that in Fb 1.5, dates (which include a TIME part) allows a date
> of "00/00/0000 ..." whereas in FB 2, this is not allowed.
> In Flamerobin, try finding the MIN(Date_column) in the table(s) that
> causes the error.
> >> The complete restore log stops at various tables: not the
> >> same one every time. These tables do not appear to have
> >> dates or any other problems with the data (the records can
> >> be viewed in FlameRobin).
> Because FlameRobin is most likely using the features of FB 1.5 perhaps?
> >> Validation of the 1.5 database with gfix gives no errors. It
> >> can be backed up and restored with FlameRobin with no
> >> errors. Changing the dialect with gfix has no effect.
> Probably because there are no data errors in the FB 1.5 database. It's
> when you try to load the data into FB 2.1 that the errors occur.
> >> Is there some other technique that I should use to convert
> >> the database? Could the database be corrupt in some way?
> See above. It might help with the date problem.
> Cheers,
> Norman.
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