Subject Re: [firebird-support] Hundreds of Generators
Author Ann W. Harrison
Venus Software Operations wrote:
> Hi all
> I have a database that needs a generator for each product for each year,
> that runs to lots of generators over a period of time. Is this fine?
> Do we have some limitations that I might run into?
> I can just delete old generators but in case they want to (why?) modify
> something in an old year for which I have deleted the generators they
> will end with a number 1 which might mess up things for them.

Each generator is a record in the system table RDB$GENERATORS plus a
64 bit integer on a special type of page. When you delete a generator,
the system table record goes away, but the 64 bits remain and are not
reused until you backup and restore the database. There is a limit to
the total number of generators you can define (I think) because the
generator id is 16 bits. So hundreds is not a problem, but if you get
to the point where you have 10's of thousands, you may have an issue.

