Subject RE: [firebird-support] I need to replace a varchar(2000) field with itself after removing the first ___ characters.
Author Elkins Villalona
Both functions SUBSTR(), from rfunc.dll, and F_RIGHT(), from FreeUDFLib.dll or FreeAdhocUDFLib.dll , are limited to 255 characters.

I you'are using FreeAdhocUDF you may try with F_RIGHT4 or F_RIGTH8.

Elkins Villalona

From: miket@...
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 08:13:41 -0500
Subject: [firebird-support] I need to replace a varchar(2000) field with itself after removing the first ___ characters.

Greetings All,

I have tried both SUBSTR() and F_RIGHT() both of which return an error:
arithmetic exception, numeric overflow, or string truncation

For example if I try this simple select in Database Workbench I receive the


The field is a varchar(2000) field and contains carriage returns and line

Any help appreciated...

Here is an example of the text contained in the field

2/15/2010 4:57 PM: Sent to Shawnee, KS Third Judicial District Court,
awaiting response.

2/17/2010 11:58 AM: Received response from Shawnee, KS Third Judicial
District Court.

The following submission error was returned:
Submission Line: This client account has already been used with 09L XXXXXX
Error: The filing fee should be $37.00(+$10.00) not 0.00 $84.00.

The task was automatically reset to scheduled.

2/24/2010 5:04 PM: Sent to Shawnee, KS Third Judicial District Court,
awaiting response.

2/25/2010 2:36 PM: Received response from Shawnee, KS Third Judicial
District Court.

The following submission error was returned:
Submission Line: This client account has already been used with 09L XXXXXX
Error: The filing fee should be $37.00(+$10.00) not 0.00 $84.00.

The task was automatically reset to scheduled.

3/5/2010 6:36 PM: Sent to Shawnee, KS Third Judicial District Court,
awaiting response.

3/8/2010 1:48 PM: Received response from Shawnee, KS Third Judicial District

The following submission error was returned:
Submission Line: This client account has already been used with 09L XXXXXX
Error: The filing fee should be $37.00(+$10.00) not 0.00 $84.00.

The task was automatically reset to scheduled.

3/10/2010 4:29 PM: Sent to Shawnee, KS Third Judicial District Court,
awaiting response.

3/11/2010 8:43 AM: Received response from Shawnee, KS Third Judicial
District Court.

The following submission error was returned:
Submission Line: This client account has already been used with 09L XXXXXX
Error: The filing fee should be $37.00(+$10.00) not 0.00 $84.00.

The task was automatically reset to scheduled.

3/16/2010 11:07 AM: Sent to Shawnee, KS Third Judicial District Court,
awaiting response.

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