Subject Re: [firebird-support] transaction in stored procedure
Author Rodrigo Aparecido Cardoso
Hi Tamas Alberti,

I don't know what language you are usingo to do it...
But on Delphi I do it using two IBTransactions... I commit only one
Transaction and I rollback the other one...

You can do it opening two transactions...

best regards,

Rodrigo Ap. Cardoso

Em 13/04/2010 17:43, Alberti Tamas escreveu:
> Hi!
> I have a question about transactions. My plan is that a stored procedure
> logs its job in a database table, tought if the client rollback the
> transaction, the log inserts will be also rolled back. Is there any way
> how i can keep some inserts in a transaction? For example i start
> another transaction in the proc or do some inserts outside the
> transaction, what the client initiated?
> thanks
> Tamas Alberti
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!* Rodrigo Aparecido Cardoso*
: Data System Informática -- Analista de Sistemas
( 55 (19) 3701-6600
* rcardoso@... <mailto:rcardoso@...>

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