Subject Re: FB 2.1.4 (vlad) crached (frozen fb_inet_server.exe and index corrupted)
Author svanderclock
:( it's "frooze" again today with again index corrupted :(


--- In, "svanderclock" <svanderclock@...> wrote:
> Dear Vlad,
> before to answer you, just to say that i backup restore the database saturday, and again sunday i receive lot of :
> Index 15 is corrupt on page 373097 level 0. File: ..\..\..\src\jrd\validation.cpp, line: 1538
> in table TRANSAC_SEARCH_VAC_1 (309
> Sun Apr 04 08:53:48 2010
> Index 16 is corrupt (missing entries) in table TRANSAC_SEARCH_FS_I_2 (317)
> and some
> Fatal lock manager error: invalid lock id (1786136), errno: 0
> but the fb_inet_server.exe look like they still answer this time. i will backup/restore the database this night again
> > > My server is again crached ! everthing on the server was frozen (all the fb_inet_server.exe was without any activity at all).
> >
> > I don't understand - is it was crashed or it was frozen ? This is completely different beasts and i can't say something not knowing exactly what happens.
> sorry, frozen it's the best answer. the server (ie windows) work very weel, but all the fb_inet_server.exe are "blocked" (not crash, alive but they not answer to the client, like they are waiting something).. all the client are also "frozen" as they all wait answer from their queries ...
> > If it was crashed - how many processes was crashed ? Do you have crash dump ?
> no, sorry not a crash, no process crash, they just don't answer anything (all the process are visible in the task manager with 0 activity (read/write or cpu)
> > If it was frozen - explain what do you mean. All existing attachments was frozen and no new ones are accepted ? Something else ? Does all processes have zero CPU and IO usage ?
> frozen it's mean that when i open the task manager, i watch all the fb_inet_server.exe, and all these fb_inet_server.exe was with 0 activity (no CPU, no hard drive read or write). at the same time, it's seam that the engine still accept new connection (by creatting a new fb_inet_server.exe) but this new fb_inet_server.exe don't answer anything and become imedialty "frozen" like all the other
> > > no other choice than restart the server !
> >
> > Does you restarted whole machine ? Are shutdown performed correctly or you finally reset the power ?
> restart the whole machine. but a correctly shuntdown (Start => restart the computer). the windows system is responding perfectly, only the fb_inet_server.exe are frozen
> > > also some index was corrupted.
> >
> > If you killed some actively working process, no wonder. But lets detect what was really happens.
> before the bug happen and i was force to restart the computer i don't kill any actively process. i was force to kill them when the fb_inet_server don't answer anymore but at this time the index was already corrupted !
> > > this is a serious bug as it's appear regularly and especially we don't do anything extraordinary on our database !
> >
> > Your database IS extraordinary already :) But it should not be corrupted of course.
> :) need a super heroe :)
> > > when all the connection froze the activity was :
> > >
> > > * FB 2.1.4 (vlad) classic server
> > >
> > > * Windows 2008 R2 dedicated to firebird, 32 go of memory (10Go free
> > > on the task manager).
> > >
> > > * the database is around 20GO, paze size 8ko
> > >
> > > * around 30 fb_inet_server connection. most of them doing only some select
> > >
> > > * some index update intensive Insert/update SQLs was just (really just) committed (with success, the api return ok) when the server crash. around 2000 row was updated on some table with lot of index in it
> >
> > Again. Is it was a really server crash or something else ?
> no sorry, a server "frooze" :( but frooze by zero activity in the task manager, no fb_inet_server process was doing something, they look like they wait something...
> > > * 28 hours before the crash, more than 12 000 000 row was deleted and inserted in somes tables with lot of index in it (same table as before).
> > >
> > > * one process was doing for more than severals hours a sweep of the database
> > >
> > > * in the firebird.log i have read :
> > > Sun Apr 04 06:20:59 2010
> > > BTR_remove: root page gc not allowed
> >
> > This is very interesting. Can i see full firebird.log ?
> in the full Firebird log they was nothing else except some few
> INET/inet_error: read errno = 10054 ... you can download all the log at this url:
> >
> > > IE: the server crach at Sun Apr 04 07:50:20 2010
> > >
> > > * fb_lock_print -a gave me a file of 20mo, below just the header
> >
> > And this file i also would like to see.
> all are in
> > PS BTW, is it first issue you encounter with my build ?
> unfortunatly it's WAS the first issue :( i just encoutered another issue (see the begining of this post) sunday :(
> thanks for your precious help vlad !
> stephane