Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: Firebird Memory Exhausted
Author Vlad Khorsun
> I've tried a few reboots and backups work, but restores still do not
> [root@CHERYL bin]# ./gbak -B -user SYSDBA -pas x /opt/firebird/DRDBase.fdb /opt/firebird/drdbase.gbk
> [root@CHERYL bin]# ./gbak -R -user SYSDBA -pas x /opt/firebird/drdbase.gbk /opt/firebird/drdbasetmp.fdb
> gbak: ERROR: System memory exhausted
> gbak: Exiting before completion due to errors
> [root@CHERYL bin]#
> The box doesnt do anything but FB ;\
> any other ideas?

1. show us output of gfix -h /opt/firebird/DRDBase.fdb
2. does you changed something in firebird.conf ?
