Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: Desgin question - Mutiple years of data, single database or many?
Author Anderson Farias

>What I have missed to mention is that I had an Accounting and Inventory
>system in mind when I wrote this question.
>If I may ask, is your application similar?

Not really. But I've worked for a company that has one.

> How big is the database? How many years do you currently have in it?

The Accounting/Inventory/Sales software I've worked does not have a big
database. The bigest customer I know has about 4 years of data but
Accounting has take place only about 2 years (AFAIK). The database is a
little more then 5.2Gb

Accounting records has about 58k entries/month (1.2milion rows today)

The database keeps a sumary (balance) for each account/month (using
Triggers) AFAIR. This helps getting faster responses on reports at any given
period of time. I rememver we had to rise locking settings on Firebird.conf
for this to work nicelly. This database has more than 150 concurrent
connections on Firebird 1.5 CS.

>One typical problem that I have faced and will face is for eg. receivables
> Wherein invoice data of the previous year needs to be maintained long
> after end-of-year processing
> has been run for bill-to-bill adjustments.

I don't know how many records you have for each year, but I *think* you
could easily have at least 2 years (current one and last one) on your
current 'working' db;
