Subject Re: Cant load embedded in diff folder
Author maverickthunder
I answer myself:

fbembed.dll is statically linked to icuuc30 so the problem is how windows searchs for dlls :(


--- In, "Maverick Thunder" <maverickthunder@...> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have an app and want to move client dlls used by FB and its subfolders intl and udf into
> a folder inside app path instead of having them in the same folder .exe resides.
> Client/server fbclient.dll can be moved where you want without problems but embedded
> version doesn't load if it isn't in the same folder where .exe is. There is no dll
> dependency problem.
> Using procmon I discovered that fbembed tries to load icuuc30.dll from the .exe folder
> instead of using the path where fbembed.dll is. Is this behaviour by design?
> Best regards,
> Mauro H. Leggieri