Subject Re: HELP: Error while trying to create file
Author hexchaos
> >So uhmm.....what gives, guys? Why can't I create databases in /mnt/accumulator/Database? The permissions are full across the board - look:
> >
> >---
> >infinity@underling:~$ ls -l /mnt/ | grep accumulator
> >drwxrwxrwx 1 infinity infinity 8192 2009-06-25 23:09 accumulator
> >
> >infinity@underling:~$ ls -l /mnt/accumulator/ | grep Database
> >drwxrwxrwx 1 infinity infinity 0 2009-06-25 23:12 Database
> >
> >infinity@underling:~$ ls -l /mnt/accumulator/Database/ | grep test
> >-rwxrwxrwx 1 infinity infinity 659456 2009-06-25 23:25 test.fdb
> >---
> >
> >And yes, I know I changed usernames halfway through. That doesn't appear to make any difference.
> Those are *your* permissions. They won't be useful when user 'firebird' is trying to gain access!

Begging your pardon, and in no way wishing to argue with you, but as I understand it these file permissions grant everyone full access. The third set of RWX entries mean that all users, everywhere, have full access. That means user 'firebird' too.

> On Linuxen, the recommended thing is to create a firebird group and put the 'firebird' user in it.

But if I do that, then the user account will appear on the login screen, and users will be able to log in under that name. I don't want either of these things.

> Decide a location where you want databases to be. Make the firebird user the owner from its root down. Make sure that the firebird user has execute rights on the root directory of your database area. Group will need rw on the directories and database files. You'll have to do this in sudo as the firebird user's password is known only to the firebird user, i.e., the server process.

Begging your pardon, but this is not possible. I want to store the database on /mnt/accumulator, which is an NTFS partition on a separate drive. I can set owner and permissions globally on the whole partition (i.e. /mnt/accumulator and all descendants), but not individual files or folders.