Subject Re: [firebird-support] Problem with script .. any help appreciated.
Author Helen Borrie
At 10:47 PM 21/06/2009, you wrote:

>> Yep. RTFM OpGuide about DDL auto commit.
>> SY, SD.
>I assume you are suggesting I Read The ?F Manual OpGuide!
>I found one on, for Interbase, and read all there was about
>Autocommit DDL.
>I cannot find anything new in my understanding regarding its relevance to
>the problem.
>So I remain stumped.

When you run a script in isql you can use SET AUTO to switch autoddl off and on. It's on by default. When it's on, each DDL statement is committed upon execution. And that's what you *need* when running scripts containing DDL statements. But that's in isql.

You had *your* problems running an IB_Script, which is NOT isql. It is a component that lets you run a batch of statements in a file. So it performs a similar kind of task to isql's INPUT command (with added tricks) but it's not isql's INPUT command and it doesn't autocommit the statements unless you make it so.

BTW, I saw you cross-posted this question to the IBO list, which was actually the right place to ask. I didn't answer it myself because I was too busy. Basically, just read the IBO help for this component and (hint) see also the ServerAutocommit property of TIB_Transaction.
