Subject Re: [firebird-support] Encryption
Author Dimitry Sibiryakov
> This may mean that without the ability to encrypt the database (or
> fields in the tables) we could find that Firebird is no longer a
> viable option. Sigh. The encryption facilities doesn't have to be
> provided by the Fb project - a third party solution would be
> acceptable (if it were at all possible). Encrypted backups will
> probably be a must. Encrypted communication as well (ZeBeDee might
> solve this). Disc encryption will not do (as far as I have
> heard). I haven't seen the actual requirements yet so the above may
> be a little fuzzy.
> Any thoughts/consolation/comments welcome.

What's the problem? Encrypt any data before you put it into database
and relax. Data will be encrypted, backup - also (without any effort).
What is more important, this way you'll ensure that nobody can bypass
your application.