Subject Re: How to extract a single table metadata using API?
Author Chau Chee Yang
> Take a look on RDB$Relations, RDB$Relation_Fields for a quick overview
> how it lookslike
> I don't know your exactly needs, but there are a lot of tools that could
> do it for you, take a look on FlameRobin for example.

Thank you for your information. I wish to extract the metadata as SQL statements. For example: Create table, create index, Create Table, ...

After extracting, I will run these SQL statements. If I traverse those system tables, I need to do quite a lot of coding. If I rely on those external tools like isql, I need to deploy those tools to my end user for runtime.

I am just wondering if there are any quick and easy ways to get the m metadata SQL statements at runtime without any helps of isql tools.