Subject Re: [firebird-support] How can I find a record in a table that has a null value where the field does not allow a null value?
Author Martijn Tonies
>> I was just wondering if anyone else has found a way to find any record in
>> any and all tables in a Firebird database that should not be null, but
>> is.
>> We all know how we get here. A field is added that allows nulls when
>> first
>> created and then it is later changed to not allow nulls.
>> Any ideas on how this could be done or if there is already any tools out
>> there that will do this?

Database Workbench will issue a warning if you try to "not null" a nullable
existing field. It allows you to enter a value that will be applied before
the not null constraint.

Take a look at and download yourself the trial version
or the free lite edition.

With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Upscene Productions

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