Subject Re: {Disarmed} Re: [firebird-support] How can I find a record in a table that has a null value where the field does not allow a null value?
Author Nigel Weeks
Here's one I whipped up in PHP


$conn = ibase_connect("localhost:/raid/db/passport.fdb","sysdba","masterkey");

// Obtain a list of non-system tables, and their field's makeup
$fieldsql = "select
a.rdb\$relation_name AS RN,
a.rdb\$field_name AS FN,
a.rdb\$null_flag AS NULLFLAG,
c.rdb\$type_name AS FTYPE,
b.rdb\$field_length AS FLEN,
rdb\$relation_fields a
JOIN rdb\$fields B
ON A.rdb\$field_source = B.rdb\$field_name
JOIN rdb\$types C
ON B.rdb\$field_type = C.rdb\$type
c.rdb\$field_name = 'RDB\$FIELD_TYPE'
AND A.rdb\$relation_name NOT LIKE 'RDB\$%'
AND a.rdb\$null_flag = 1";

$fieldrec = ibase_query($fieldsql) or die("bad field query");
while($fieldobj = ibase_fetch_object($fieldrec)){
$fieldobj->RN = trim($fieldobj->RN);
$fieldobj->FN = trim($fieldobj->FN);
$fieldobj->NULLFLAG = trim($fieldobj->NULLFLAG);

//echo $fieldobj->RN.".".$fieldobj->FN.": ".$fieldobj->NULLFLAG."\n";
if($fieldobj->NULLFLAG != ""){
// Inspect the field, and count any records that have nulls
$nsql = "select sum(1) from ".$fieldobj->RN." where ".$fieldobj->FN." is null";
$nrec = ibase_query($nsql);
$nrow = ibase_fetch_row($nrec);
if($nrow[0] > 0){
echo "Illegal Nulls found in ".$fieldobj->RN.".".$fieldobj->FN.":
} // End of null counter

} // End of table while loop



And it returned a bug (I added a column with a not null definition onto a table
with 4 records in it)

nweeks@server0001:~> ./nullscan.php

Illegal Nulls found in TBL_CONFIG.STR_TEST: 4

Let me know if you want it run over a database, in case you don't have access to


Nigel Weeks

Prism9 Technology
e: nweeks@...
m: 0408 133 738
