Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: compile/install firebird 2.5 beta1
Author Martijn Tonies
> Nobody knows?

Wrong list, this is a Firebird -user- support list.

Try "firebird-devel" for these kind of issues.

With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Upscene Productions

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> --- In, "woodsmailbox"
> <cosmin.apreutesei@...> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> If I want to compile 2.5b1, which branch/tag should I choose from the
>> cvs? T2_5_0Beta1 or B2_5_ExtEngines? Seems that T2_5_0Beta1 is manually
>> sync'ed from HEAD. Is this the version that recieves the bug fixes for
>> v2.5 (the actual 2.5b1) ?
>> Anyway, T2_5_0Beta1 compiled ok today. But I have an insert statement
>> with a large string that manages to crash the server without any trace in
>> the logs or core dump (it just kills itself). So I want to know if I
>> compiled the right version of the server if I'm to consider this a bug.
>> Thanx.
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