Subject Re: Problem with FB 32 bit on SBS2008x64
Author paul.mercea

I was entering in same problem with System Restore active on that disk...turn off!
And second...change database extension from .gdb to sometink .fdb for firebird database!


--- In, "ajc2002au" <tony@...> wrote:
> Hi all
> My client upgraded to SBS2008x64 a few weeks ago and we are running 4 databases with FB2.0.5.13206.
> Everything was fine but now 2 of the 4 databases have encountered file locking errors
> eg
> gbak: ERROR:I/O error for file "C:\BOOKSYS\ArtistTek\ARTISTTEK.GDB"
> gbak: ERROR: Error while trying to open file
> gbak: ERROR: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
> The only process I can see that is using these files is FBSERVER.EXE
> Only way to regain access i can see is to restart the FB Server when this happens (not happy customer)
> Google reports this error occuring some time ago with external files being used by my application is very basic with just one plain GDB file.
> Could anyone help with what may be causing this error.
> Could it be something to do with running on 64 bit SBS.
> Would upgrading to the 64 bit version of FB on the server help.
> (FB has been running absolutely rock solid with my applications on this client for the last 5 years until now.)
> Thanks for any help.
> Tony