Subject Problem with FB 32 bit on SBS2008x64
Author ajc2002au
Hi all

My client upgraded to SBS2008x64 a few weeks ago and we are running 4 databases with FB2.0.5.13206.
Everything was fine but now 2 of the 4 databases have encountered file locking errors

gbak: ERROR:I/O error for file "C:\BOOKSYS\ArtistTek\ARTISTTEK.GDB"
gbak: ERROR: Error while trying to open file
gbak: ERROR: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.

The only process I can see that is using these files is FBSERVER.EXE

Only way to regain access i can see is to restart the FB Server when this happens (not happy customer)

Google reports this error occuring some time ago with external files being used by my application is very basic with just one plain GDB file.

Could anyone help with what may be causing this error.
Could it be something to do with running on 64 bit SBS.
Would upgrading to the 64 bit version of FB on the server help.

(FB has been running absolutely rock solid with my applications on this client for the last 5 years until now.)

Thanks for any help.
