Subject Re: [firebird-support] update a field in after insert update
Author Maurizio
thank you for answers ,

anyway i have choosen to set that value from Delphi dataset event .



Ann W. Harrison ha scritto:
> Maurizio,
> In case it wasn't absolutely clear, you can't change a value
> in an after insert trigger by straight forwardly updating
> new.<fieldname>. After action triggers happen -- oddly enough --
> after the action. Earlier versions of Firebird accepted those
> assignments and quietly dropped them on the floor. More modern
> versions will produce an error if you attempt to assign a value
> to the target row in an after action trigger.
> If the change must actually be done after the insert occurs,
> you could try something like this:
> update test_table s
> set s.kyriga = 'test'
> where s.<primary key> = new.<primary key>
> replacing <primary key> with the name of the primary key field.
> Good luck,
> Ann
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