Subject Re: [firebird-support] Large record count - will it work?
Author Kjell Rilbe
Aage Johansen wrote:
> If ECO generates Firebird-unfriendly SQL you may find yourself in a
> position where you cannot really fine tune the queries. This may be
> the case for any db system, and I don't know ECO at all. Just a
> faint recollection of someone having problems with generated SQL
> which were not optimized well (don't remember which db server).

If that happens I hope the ECO people will try to generate better SQL or
at least help me inject special SQL where needed. I know that correlated
subqueries that cannot use an index usually perform very badly on FB. Or
at least they used to - has this been improved lately?

> Maybe you should look for faster disks. There are 15000rpm disks
> around, but maybe not of the SATA variety (we use 15000rpm SCSI disks).

I know. I have 10 krpm SCSI in my own workstation, but the server is a
rented co-location box. We don't want to pay for extra performance there
if we don't need it. I guess we'll see when we start testing the app.

Kjell Rilbe
E-post: kjell@...
Telefon: 08-761 06 55
Mobil: 0733-44 24 64