Subject Re: Gbak never end...
Author x2412421
Hi all,

Thank you for all your answers.

I suspect house keeping. I will try some tests and will come back to
you again if I'm still having problems.

For your information, even if I'm using Delphi, I load data into
memory when the program start and I close all queries. After it, when
I have to read/write/delete data, I create query and I run it then I
commit or rollback immediately after it. So, there is never active
transactions into the database. So, I do not think that the problem
is related to active transactions.

There is usually 15 to 30 users logged in that program as well as a
Windows service that access the database every 30 seconds. When I run
a GSTAT while this database is accessed, usually, the difference
between the oldest active transaction and the next transaction is
100. For example, if I run a GSSTAT 15 secondes later the first GSAT,
I wtill usually still have a difference of 100 but the oldest active
transaction number increased.

Thanks again for the time you took to answer me.

Best regards,
