Subject RE: [firebird-support] Trouble with Windows 7: Installing and starting SuperServer 2.1.3 from ZIP package
Author Alan McDonald
> Hello,
> I'm trying to adapt an older software (Delphi 7, FB SS 1.5) to
> Windows 7 and FB SS 2.1.
> I'm using (an older version of) InstallShield Express and the
> ZIP distribution of FB.
I don't have Windows 7 so I can't answer for the permissions stuff
> Then, even after successful "cmd-as-Admin" installation (when the
> Guardian and the Server are registered as Windows services), I still
> can't start any of them (via the Service Manager):
> - Starting the Guardian tells me something like "Service "Firebird
> Guardian - DefaultInstance" was started on "Local Computer" and
> then stopped. Some services are stopped automatically when not
> in use by other services or programs".

are you sure you don't have to install the C runtimes? This behaviour of
stopping the service for 2.1 does happen when the runtimes are missing.
Whether W7 has these or not I don't know.

> - Starting the Server itself tells me "Service "Firebird Server -
> DefaultInstance" on "Local Computer" could not be started. Error
> 1053: The service didn't reply in time to the start or control
> command".
> Using EVENTVWR tells me "The registry information is missing.
> Please run the Firebird Configuration Utilite to launch the server
> thread. errno : 1053"
> but REGEDIT shows me HKLM\SOFTWARE\Firebird Project\Firebird
> Server\Instances\DefaultInstance = "C:\Program Files\Firebird\
> Firebird_2_1\" - seems to be OK?
> I'd *really* like to install FB from my InstallShield "setup.exe"
> (as until now), without asking not-so-silly installation questions
> to silly users :-) - but if all else fails, I'm just stuck to the
> FB Windows EXE installer?! Is there some /SILENT option, at least?
> Thank you,
> -Matt