Subject RE: [firebird-support] Ibclientdatase (delphi) with firebird 1.5
Author Alan McDonald
> All dba ..
> I have table (myurut) :
> Field. : LOK. ORD
> Record: 00 301
> 01. 100
> 02. 100
> 03. 501
> And I have code :
> IBclientdts.close;
> IBclientdts.commandtext:="Select * from myururt where lok='01'
> IBclientdts..edit;
> IBclientdts.["Ord"]:=Bclientdts.["Ord"]+1;
> Bclientdts.applyupdate(-1);
> ** status error -more then affected-
> But with this code :
> Ibquery.close;
> Ibquery.sql.clear;
> Ibquery.sql.add("update myurut set ord=ord+1 where lok="01"
> Ibquery.execsql;
> ** status OK
> This case, after I add manually ( record 2-4 ) with ibmanager
> So... Why I found some error (.. Morethan affected)
> Tq..
> Regard
> Allies xposs
> Sent from my BlackBerryR smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung
> Teruuusss...!

this has more to do with Delphi and your knowledge of client datasets and
primary key management than it does with Firebird.
I think you should take this Q to another group - perhaps a delphi group or
a more specific group dealing with client datasets.
I think you need to declare a primary key to make your first example work
without eror.