Subject Re: "Lock conversion denied" on security database.
Author xsaero00
--- In, Dimitry Sibiryakov <sd@...> wrote:
> > The sizes are 3.5 MB vs 700 K. Is my security database corrupt? How can I fix it;
> Most likely - no. What can say 'gstat -h' about it? You can try to
> backup-restore it. And check that fb_lock_mgr (if any) works from root.
> SY, SD.

I have tried to replace the security database with another version but the same is still happening. I am still getting the errors about lock conversion. Now its on page type 1. Could this problem be due to the fact that I am running Firebird on OpenVZ kernel.

data-01 Wed Dec 9 12:02:48 2009

data-01 Wed Dec 9 12:02:48 2009
page 0, page type 1 lock conversion denied

data-01 Wed Dec 9 12:02:48 2009
Database: /var/lib/firebird/system/security2.fdb
page 0, page type 1 lock conversion denied (215)

data-01 Wed Dec 9 19:33:58 2009
Database: /var/lib/firebird/system/security2.fdb
page 0, page type 1 lock conversion denied (215)

The gstat show as this.

/usr/lib64/firebird/bin/gstat -h /var/lib/firebird/system/security2.fdb

Database "/var/lib/firebird/system/security2.fdb"
Database header page information:
Flags 0
Checksum 12345
Generation 2201673
Page size 4096
ODS version 11.1
Oldest transaction 1651173
Oldest active 1651174
Oldest snapshot 1651174
Next transaction 1651175
Bumped transaction 1
Sequence number 0
Next attachment ID 550495
Implementation ID 24
Shadow count 0
Page buffers 0
Next header page 0
Database dialect 3
Creation date Aug 5, 2009 11:29:03
Attributes force write

Variable header data: