Subject Re: [firebird-support] Creating A Database Without Using a SQL Script
Author Helen Borrie
At 05:44 PM 29/11/2009, you wrote:
>Hi All,
>I'm after some advice/help/examples please.
>I need to be able to create a Database on a remote server from inside the Inno Setup application (an installer written in Pascal) and I do not want to use an SQL Script to do it (for reasons I won't go into here).
>I know I need to get the SYSDBA Username and Password from the user, plus the IP Address of the FB Server, & I realise that the FB Client needs to have already been installed.
>FYI Inno Setup allows the execution on external exe files during its own execution.
>Alternately, is it possible to create a FB DB from an ODBC connection, and if so, what do I need to do to do that?
>I've already asked this question on the Inno Setup Forum and the only answer I've gotten so far is to ask here.
>Can anyone please help?

Not really on this list. Ask your ODBC question in the firebird-odbc-devel list and third-party tools questions in firebird-tools.

And also ask yourself why it's such a necessity to create a database as part of installation. Restoring a metadata backup (or a with-data backup, if you need to deploy some data) is much simpler.

^ heLen ^

>Thanks heaps in advance
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