Subject Re: [firebird-support] Firebird stop working - errno 10054
we started development of this solution early april and only 2.1.1 vas


i know the customer is looking into upgrading.


do you know if i can upgrade FB from 2.1.1 to 2.1.3 with regard to
ibpp? will it cause any problems to do so?




> At 09:51 PM 26/11/2009, you wrote:



>>i'm not a windows guy.


>>what do you meen by 'unistall NOD32'.


>>is it a windows standard component?


> No, it's a free anti-virus program that runs with a custom Firebird
as its

> back-end and it causes conflicts with user installations of Firebird.

> Since NOD32 causes the problem you describe, it looks as though
Dmitry is

> guessing that NOD32 is present on your customer's machine and is

> port 3050.


> Why are you still using Fb 2.1.1, anyway?


> ./heLen





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