Subject Re: [firebird-support] external table don't work
Author Martijn Tonies

> hi all, i'm using firebird 2.1 with windows (32).
> i'm using the super-server version.
> i have set in firebird.conf
> #ExternalFileAccess = Full
> #DatabaseAccess = Full
> (i use Full only to make it works without problem, then i will reduce
> them)

The "#" character means it's a "comment", remove those.

> i'm trying to create an external table in the same dir of my db
> (the directory is in c:\ partition in the machine where the service is
> running).
> i'm using this sql (i try both in isql and sql manager 2008 for firebird)
> CREATE TABLE ext1 EXTERNAL 'c:\MY DB DIR\myfile.txt'
> (
> field1 char(20),
> field2 smallint
> );
> this statement is executed without problem (but no file is created).
> if i make same action on that table i got an exception
> Access to external file 'c:\MY DB DIR\myfile.txt' is denied by server
> administrator.
> Note: after that i changed the firebird.config i had rebooted the machine
> Note2: the windows permission on my db dir are the defaults and all work
> perfect with db file so i think that the permission error is about
> firebird permission
> i don't know where i wrong, has samebody an idea?

With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Upscene Productions

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