Subject Re: UDF with cstring return parameter cause error
Author Tsutomu Hayashi
Hi all

Sory this is from my mistake.

I compiled this library using gcc without -fPIC switch.

Thanks Alex.

2009/10/28 Tsutomu Hayashi <hayashi.t@...>:
> Hi all
> I am creating udf library that handles aliases.conf.
> I will create this udf both for Windows and Linux. So I am writting this in C++.
> I have finished working on windows with BCC32, then this is working correctoly.
> Next I am porting for linux with gcc, then I have problem.
> I maked shared object name and executed this from
> firebird then raise error, engine stalled.
> This case is rased next code. This is simplified case.
> void test(char* ret)
> {
>  string str("tomneko");
>  strcpy(ret, str.c_str());
> }
> So I investigated this problem, next case is ok.
> void test(char* ret)
> {
>  strcpy(ret, "tomneko");
> }
> This simple test case is correctly working with firebird, but previous
> one is wrong. Of course on windos both is working correctly.
> Why is this happend?
> #BTW using ib_util_malloc() is another solution for this problem, but
> I want to use "return parameter" clause, cause this is simplified
> declarations.
> --
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> From Tomneko (Tsutomu Hayashi)
> tomneko.h@...
> web site
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++