Subject Re: strange bug .. the fb_inet don't close
Author svanderclock
Dear helen,

no, the guardian is not in use. For the connection limiting side, as i m on windows Server 2008, i really doubt that the probleme could be here ! in fact for what i know the problem was on one of the client side (but hard to know what, simply look like the system become instable) ... and kill everything on the client side actually don't kill the fb_inet process on the server side :(


--- In, Helen Borrie <helebor@...> wrote:
> At 11:51 PM 30/10/2009, you wrote:
> >hello,
> >
> >Server : Firebird 2.1.3 Classic
> > WinDows 2008 Server
> > 8Go of memory
> >
> >i just encountered a strange bug. yesterday i backup and restore one database and today i notice that after some time we can not connect anymore to the database, even after i disconnect all the client from the database (i close all the client software), all the fb_inet.exe process are still working (around 80 process) and no client are connected to them.
> >
> >some of this "orphan" fb_inet.exe use some cpu (so they actually do something... some other not !
> >
> >after i restart the server, the probleme happen again after a short
> >time ...
> Are you using the Guardian? if so, get rid of it.
> For the connection limiting side of the problem, check whether the server's TCP/IP or firewall settings have limits set for incoming connections. (Windows limits are often "invisible" because of defaults that you can only change by adding the key in the Registry. Try searching MSDN with a phrase like "tcp/ip connection limit".)
> ./heLen