Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: embedded server, how to lock database file
Author Thomas Steinmaurer
>> This changed in 2.5, because Embedded is based on the new architecture
>> SuperClassic in 2.5, which doesn't hold an exclusive lock on the
>> database file. This means, that several Embedded processes or regular
>> Classic/SuperClassic server can connect to the same database file.
> Yes, and I have to find the way to avoid that shared situation, source of some problems.
> For example, I have a customer that did a backup (with a copy) while the applications where using the database.

Yes, causing troubles ...

For example, when using SuperServer, the server process does hold an
exclusive lock on the database file, but you still can - although you
are asking for troubles here - create a copy of the database file, while
it is in use. "Can" in that context doesn't mean it is safe.

If then I try to use that file the embedded server crashes after
> I found other case in where the customer overrided the database while the application was running, causing problems too.
> I think it is needed a way to avoid sharing while the application is using the database.

Ask in firebird-devel. As long as 2.5 is not final, questions about 2.5
should go to firebird-devel anyway.

Best Regards,
Thomas Steinmaurer
LogManager Series - Logging/Auditing Suites supporting
InterBase, Firebird, Advantage Database, MS SQL Server and
NexusDB V2
Upscene Productions
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