Subject Re: firebird.msg location
Author svanderclock
> 1. If you are using the correct fbclient.dll for the server
version then the client does not need to read any firebird.msg. That
is the preferred solution, call it "Fix A".

no, i try it's not work... but the server is 64bit and the client
32bit, i don't know if it's do something

> 2. If you want to stay with the *wrong* fbclient.dll then the
client needs to have the *correct* firebird.msg available to look
up. "Available" means that fbclient.dll must know where to find it.
By default, it looks into the parent directory above where
fbclient.dll is located.
> -- so, fix B is to create a C:\Program Files (x86)\Firebird\bin
subdirectory and move fbclient.dll to there.

no, i just try, put the dll in the /bin and the .msg in firebird
directory, not work :(

> Other alternatives:
> -- Fix C is to set the FIREBIRD variable on the client at system
level, pointing it to the location of the *correct* firebird.msg

you mean in the environement variable ?

> -- Fix D is to add a Registry entry on the client, similar to the
one that is installed on the server but with the DefaultInstance key
pointing to the local subdirectory where you have the correct
firebird.msg file

ok, but strange to add the registry string for the server when we
simply speak about the client not ?