Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: Using unicode versus WIN1252 (Firebird 2)
Author Fulvio Senore
Milan Babuskov ha scritto:
>> German characters mostly have ASCII < 7F. With UTF8 these characters
>> have the same storage size as in WIN1252, right?
> Only when represented in UTF8 form. However, Firebird internally
> represents them as 4-bytes-per-character internally.
Do you mean that the same ASCII string takes much more space when the
column is encoded as UTF8 than when it is encoded with a single byte
encoding like WIN1252?

I upgraded a program to use UTF8 text fields to help with international
characters and a test database containing almost only ASCII text fields
almost doubled its size from 12 to more than 20 MB.

This surprised me because I was thinking that data was stored as UTF8 so
those text should not change in size. I have not made more testing until
now, but that you write could explain the increase in size.

Fulvio Senore