Subject Re: [firebird-support] Help - new to program and having problems with ISQL tool
Author Aage Johansen
Julie wrote:
> I downloaded the Firebird 2.1 server and am running it as a service.
> I am trying to connect to an existing database and keep on getting a
> command error:
> I've tried
> sql: connect '\\simpleshare\NetFolder\Movie Label Databases\my
> database.fdb' "user SYSDBA password masterkey";
> I get command error. What am I doing wrong. I pinged the network
> drive and it was fine.

Don't use "shares". Use <servername>:<databasefile>. Also, create
an alias in "aliases.conf" (on the server). e.g.:
MYDB = D:\Movie Label Databases\mydatabase.fdb
(replace with your actual drive letter, path, and filename)

Then, you can use something like:
connect MYDBSERVER:MYDB -user SYSDBA -password masterkey

Aage J.